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Old 2010-12-03, 23:59   Link #119
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Fukitsu Naruto View Post
--You do realise that you overlooked something there my good sir? If the enemy is wasting an attack on just ONE Naruto Kage Bunshin, then that works into Naruto's favour. Thy had just wasted and revealed one of their moves on a CLONE. So his clone was busted, whoop-dee-doo-dah on a tricycle. In all of the battles you've seen him fight, has he ever lost so much chakra that he didn't have enough to perform a KB and still attack with the Rasengan? Hell, even against Pain, arguably his most difficult battle to date left him with little more than a scratch.
Your argument has quite a few holes in it. What if the attack the enemy uses to destroy the clone isn't new? As for the rest of your argument, what you're saying is that there's no chance Naruto will ever lose enough chakra to perform a rasengan? Well, then what's the point of chakra limitations at all if he can just have however much is convenient for the plot? That's just bad writing. There's no sense of urgency or limitation. Although I'd like to mention that Naruto had ten poles staked into him during the Pain fight.

-But let's break down this nonsense that Naruto's method of doing the Rasengan is ineffective. Its actually quite the opposite.
I didn't say it was ineffective, I said it was inefficient. There's a difference.

--Ok, so the normal Rasengan forces the user to focus on forming it. Normally that requires them to stand still, just waiting to get counter-attacked. Naruto's method not only divides the tasks needed to form said jutsu but also leaves him with KB for protection in case the enemy feels like rushing in.
Do the normal users really need to stand still? I seem to recall Jiraiya and Minato forming it fairly easily, but I could be wrong. And how is the KB supposed to protect Naruto if all its attention is focused on forming the Rasengan?

--The time it takes to form. Now, Yondaime was quick to form it but that's the original creator. He also used Hiraishin so he was able to form the thing while teleporting around. Naruto however, we know he can not only form the Rasengan fast, but he can do it in LESS THAN 5 seconds. How do we know this? Because of his battle against Pain. The latter performed Shinra Tensei, which left him with a 5 second opening. Naruto formed the Rasengan, stated his line and launched himself to attack Pain with it, all in the span of 5 seconds. Trust me, unless the enemy has the speed of light at their side, chances are they can be caught by the Rasengan.
Do you know how long it took Yondaime to form the Rasengan? I certainly don't. And hey, in this world of super-powered freaks with practically limitless capabilities it's entirely possible that one of them could stop him with superhuman speed, or some other method.

-Naruto's method may cost more chakra, but his has a better standing than Jiraiya's who now that I think about it, never used it in battle. Yeah he used one in Sage Mode but that's not the normal Rasengan.
Not really. It still takes up more chakra and makes Naruto a bigger target during those supposed 5 seconds.
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