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Old 2008-12-03, 01:40   Link #117
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Tiran86, it could have easily went to other girl, because if you look at it the other girl could have won and then you would also have those details that would support that it was thought out and visible. I remember reading that author herself was affected by popularity polls and isntead of originally planned ending went with other one. But it was not as far reaching as poeple make it out to be since the other girl had just as much those minor keys thrown for things going her way. The ending build up was horribly rushed, not to mention that other characters and that other girl got shafted to the side out of blue.

Thats what make Ichigo's ending so arguable and referred as 'bad' by many, not just the girl that lost fans. It reallyhad a bad build-up.

Anyways this should be about Toradora.

Vexx, why some heroines are more pupolar than others? Is it really because some archetype being more popular between otakus?

I have seen a lot of genky girsl win and a lot of tsundere girls win, a lot of silent girls win and so on... The archetypes are different and yet they win over the archetype which may have won in another game.

If everything would be predestined to happen based on the archetype then all polls should be won by the same archetype as well. But they are different. So what creates the difference? Why does some moe girls archetypes loose in some polls and others win?

I think it is part of game's situation and setting rather than just pre-justice of otaku's. Meaning that they do react to the way it is build and can be a rather good guide to follow up.
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