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Old 2013-01-02, 22:06   Link #3447
Master of Coin
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post
I think I finally got Sejuani down. She has a pretty harsh first clear, so getting Greed and Biscuiteer is a must so that you have high health. As such, I go...

Veteran's Scars, Bladed Armor, Wanderer, Mastermind, Greed, Biscuiteer, and Nimble very important

Armor seals
Armor marks (I don't start machete so AS is meh)
MR/lvl glyphs
Gp10 quints (MS quints very good alternative if you don't think it's going long)

-W start. Get Q next if the enemy jungler can counterjungle (or if you start at red), W if not. Lvl 3 get all three skills at rank 1
-Max W, get E to rank 3 (for better ganks during laning phase), then max Q because Q gets lowered cooldowns, as getting your second Q online is paramount in later teamfights because you don't have a defense steroid. As such, you have to rely on moblity.

Regular route: wolves, blue, red gank
-BUT if you think you're gonna get counterjungled, then you can start wraiths/red/blue... at the cost of your mid laner getting their blue later than their lane opponent

cloth +6
philo stone and boots (whichever one you can afford in first back, then the other later)
warmog's armor
merc treads

Later items
Aegis (upgrade to bulwark if against double ap)
Frozen heart
Liandry's Torment

Why not Machete first? Because of the lack of def steroids, you're sacrifing around 5s clear time for around 150hp. Which with Sejuani's poor sustain especially at first clear, is a tradeoff that's not worth it. Not to mention, cloth armor builds into many different useful items, while machete upgrades aren't very gold cost effective.

Why Warmog's Armor first? Because Sejuani's W scales with her max HP, and above all she needs 'selfish survivability' before 'team survivability' (aka defensive aura items) due to lack of def steroids. And the choice between Sunfire Cape and Warmog's is very clear, as 45 armor nowadays is nothing due to BC + ArPen combo of the top and/or even mid laner.

Aegis usually comes next as most mid laners tend to build Liandry's if they see you rush a Warmog's, so the extra MR really helps. Frozen Heart mainly for cooldowns, and that AS slow is on even if the enemy ADC chooses to ignore you. Liandry's Torment is there as your go to offensive item due to W being close to permanently on with full CDR, and so 10% current hp as magic damage per second basically turns Sej into a mini-Amumu.
1) Machete > Cloth armor. I ran Sejuani with cloth and Machete and time things over and over...I can tell you Machete is way more efficient in grinding thanks to the 10% boost to Everything you do.

2) I don't use Warmong until very late game. People claim it scale with Sejuani W, but that is a whole 100 dmg over the course of 5 seconds. Sunfire is 40 all the time, plus the extra armor is nothing to sneeze at either. Think of it this way, just because people run BC and Arpen, does not mean all armors means nothing. Otherwise their basic hits would do PURE damage as it is.

Smite/Ghost is my build. Ghost is great for chasing people down and slowing them for the carry to finish. Flash is not useful with her at all, especially since her Q can be used to escape. I also go 9/21/0 since I don't find biscuit to be useful at all.

My build would be Machete + 5 pot, upgrade Machete to that HP/mana item I can't think of off the top of my head, SHOES immediately because her speed is terrible. Then estimate my gold situation. If I am doing well with a few ganks already, go

Sunfire cape. Otherwise, spirit of Golem 1st.

Then a sightstone if I am feeling generous (or we have a lazy support).

Ladriny's torment next (the DPS increase is godly)

Finish Spirit of Golem if it got left off.

Finally Warmong if necessary.

Sell sightstone, get either Trollglass or Iceborn fist.
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