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Old 2012-08-24, 11:22   Link #41
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
I don't think that's much of an excuse. Both Crocodile and Eneru are logias and they showed a lot more variation in their abilities against Luffy than Smoker ever did so far (case in point: Eneru was one of the first enemy haki users we've seen in the series, despite haki not having been properly introduced to us readers at the time). That's why I'm hoping that our smokey friend reveals that he knows some Smoke-Fu or learned MMA or something during the skip, lest I find him to be as interesting as watching paint dry from this moment forth.....
Really? I think Smoker has shown great versatility of his powers. He's just more a fighter like Luffy who relies on his physical attacks than on his Logia attacks (Just recently he used something similar like Gomu Gomu no Gatling). Of course he could try to suffocate people in smoke and have a fighting style more like Caesar, but why should he do this if he can just hit someone in the face with a strong blow by propelling himself towards him?
Smoker is one of the faster Logia users, too (he was faster than Gear 2nd Luffy, I think even Enel can't keep up with that)
Also he probably designed the bike he rides by himself, which is pretty impressive, if you ask me.

And it's not like we ever saw Smoker go all out on someone. I really hope the fight againt Vergo changes that. People think Smoker has a weak DF, but he would beat someone like Crocodile, if you ask me, who has a rather powerful DF, but didn't train his physical abilities.
Gear Third: Gomu Gomu Giganto Pistol!
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