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Old 2013-03-28, 08:05   Link #1542
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Originally Posted by ultimatemegax View Post
I keep repeating myself because you keep repeating yourself with incorrect information. It's pointed out to you that it is not an adaptation of the novel, but instead a new story with similar characters from the novel, and you continued to insist you were correct that it was an adaptation. "Half wrong at most." It's not just a majority; it's the entire damn show outside of a few concepts in episodes 1, 5, and 6 yet you continue to insist that it's like the novel. That comedic portion you liked: anime-original material.
Good on them then. Not my point though. I'm sick of these rants of one comment where I said "Um... Chuunibyou is a LN adaptation" like 2 pages ago and I have a flock of angry people trying to prove it isn't a LN adaptation, when it STILL USES SOME CONTENT of it be it how small. Can we just call it a loose adaption and move on?

"Sales are relatively poor" I can only assume you're talking about disc sales, which are not relatively poor in the slightest.
Blurays didn't rank (could be anywhere between 0k-4k. We don't know). DVD sold 600ish copies. That's still relatively poor, particularly for Kyoani who are used to racking in 9-10k+.

You're ignoring the increase of bookstores carrying KyoAni LNs, ignoring the abundance of merchandise that's been made/selling at their store, ignoring the great sales for music CDs, ignoring that live video shows are continuing to be made, and ignoring that every other fall show outside of Girls und Panzer and JoJo has sold worse in one of the strongest seasons of disc sales in recent history.
Outside of you last comment on Girls und Panzer/Jojo not relevant. Never did I say Kyoani was in any sort of financial trouble because of course they will be financially healthy from thier other franchises and products... but that's not relevant to Tamako Market whatsoever. What Tamako Market LN? What Tamako Market merchandise?

No, sales are not "relatively poor" they're strong, which is why they're doing more of the anime.
I'm assuming you're talking about Chuunibyou here... whilst I'm still talking about Tamako Market. I don't recall any announcement of anymore Tamako Market being made and I don't remember saying Chuunibyou was doing badly financially in any sort of manner considering it was their best selling franchise of last year, even higher than Hyouka's.

Why should I care about MAL/ANN opinions in regards to sales of discs/merch/novels? They don't fund the show. Again, do some research before making mistaken claims that something is doing poorly.
You shouldn't but that's completely not my point. I'm using them to defend myself against claims that I'm some kinda "lone hater" on the impression of Tamako market as a series as a viewer since I am by far not the only person who had a problem with it.

Edit: in off-topic conversation, Beyond the Boundary (aka Kyoukai no Kanata) is getting a second volume released soon.
That's awesome to hear. I would love it for Kyoani to adapt it into an anime in the near future.
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