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Old 2008-11-18, 13:43   Link #28
Well Rounded Critic
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: In a class of my own.
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Spoilers summary's out:

-Only Luffy and Hancock are going to Impel Down. Luffy hides in Hancock's coat while she boards Momonga's ship.
Unexpected, but logical in the sphere of things. Appreciated somewhat, seeing as this is a very adorable pairing. Only hope it doesn't take away from the shonen-type action.

Originally Posted by marvelB
-Meanwhile, at Marine HQ, Sengoku appears, and apparently mentions that Kizaru had arrested 500 pirates at Sabaody. It's also said that Jinbei is "running wild", and is not heeding the Shichibukai summons. It also looks like Whitebeard is on the warpath. Garp visits Ace in his cell in Impel Down. He's quite badly beaten.....
And it seems to me that this may mean that at least three to five of the Supernovas were captured. I imagine that weakling Urouge is amongst them. I never liked him at all. His power is so unoriginal, and lame. Creds to Kizaru for finishing up the job even after the SH crew left. Though, of course, that was to be expected. I really liked Kizaru. I can only now imagine what Akainu will be like.

Super strong...

Originally Posted by marvelB
Also, I have a feeling that the "mecha island" that Franky was sent to is the same one from the Eneru ministory. As for Sanji.... to be honest, I'm not very surprised.
I doubt the Mecha Island would be on the just doesn't seem logical. Plus, the moon may be too far away for Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu to deflect people to.

More importantly to me is to see about Zoro and Usopp, and, as I expected, they'd have the MOST interesting stories, no doubt. It makes ense since they were kept for next chapter...I hope. Chopper's story would be fun~

It would be cool if we got to see at least Zoro, Usopp and Choppers' mini arcs. I'm hoping for it.

Originally Posted by The Small One View Post
BTW, what good can it be to be on a sky island to study weather? As we've seen, those islands are much higher than normal clouds, and the only weather they have there is sunshine.
Well, seeing as you'd be so high up, with the aid of a little modern technology (telescope), you could observe large portions of the Blue Sea from an aerial POV. Not only that, but it says the island specializes in weather and such, so they'd most likely have a wide array of books there. Not much thought to figure that one out.

Originally Posted by Rinji View Post
Ooohh looks like Logia CAN scar... must be Blackbeard's absorbing powers that did it...
How I see it, a Logia user can only heal open wounds, that cut directly into the skin, and maybe not things like punches, or explosion damage. It's not really body healing, but filling in the hole in the elemental space.

So it's probably like:

e.g: 1) Kizaru is fighting, and his rm is punched out of socket. Cannot regenerate it, since the amount of mass in his body is still the same, so there's no need to regenerate mass to make up the void.

e.g: 2) Kizaru is fighting, and Rayleigh synchs his Haki with Will to Cut Light. He slices off an arm. Kizaru's body mass has effectively been reduced, so the elemental regeneration can take place.

Or this could be all wrong, and the more sensible thing I've thought up is that once a Logia user manages to activate his elemental composition form while being injured, as long as the form was on while he was being damaged, the element will regenerate the Logia user. So it's like:

e.g: 3) Kizaru is fighting and his arm is punched out of socket, but as it's happening, he element-changes. So, as he element-changes, regeneration starts up.

e.g: 4) Kizaru is fighting and is hit and his arm is dislocated from its socket. But the hit was too quick, and even though he tried to activate the Logia form, he was a split second too late, so he just retains the injury, and turns elemental at that moment. And after re-solidifying, the injury is still there.

Rev. Niemöller, on Nazi Germany:

First they went for communists: and I didn't speak out, not being a communist;
Then they came for trade unionists, and I said naught because I wasn't a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews: and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew;

Then they came for me!
...and there was no one left to speak out for me.
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