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Old 2011-11-26, 00:56   Link #1711
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Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
Well if it's the poem you were referring to, you should've said so. I think that's his envy for Orihime's ability to care. He refers to her as 'omae' not 'anata' or even 'kimi', I can see how it can be 'deep' but I don't see it as romantic at all (not even by itself out of context). And pity requires caring to some degree. Ichigo 'cared' that he wasn't the one to beat Ulq, it didn't mean he was in love with him.
'Omae' would be word the word husbands use to their wives in japan.
The whole poem:
心在るが故に妬み I envy because of the heart
心在るが故に喰らい I glutton because of the heart
心在るが故に奪い I covet because of the heart
心在るが故に傲り I am prideful because of the heart
心在るが故に惰り(あなどり) I sloth because of the heart
心在るが故に怒り I rage because of the heart
心在るが故に Because of the heart
お前のすべてを欲する I lust for everything about you

How can you see this as Ulquiorra's envy for Orihime's ability to care? It's Ulquiorra who is the "I" here, it is he who has the heart.

Oh, that means she cared for him enough for kubo to make a whole 8 pages on Ulquiorra'envy for her and Orihime's pity for him. And strangely, Orihime didnt pity Grimmjow or Nnoitra, only Ulquiorra. Seems Ulqui does have a special spot in her heart^^

And, now I sadly must leave Will check it up tomorrow though.
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