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Old 2012-08-26, 18:14   Link #30182
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Originally Posted by Asuka0NK View Post
Yes thats why I've always seen it as a hint just to show that he did inherit some of Kyrie or he just got white hair naturally. Speaking of hair colors where the hell did Battler and Ange get the Red hair from. I mean it seems to be a trait among the Sumaderas that their hair turns white prematurely since both sisters have white hair but it doesn't really make sense since Rudolf has brown hair and Kinzo has white hair also probably from premature aging. So I'm guessing maybe Kyrie use to have red hair before it turned.
I know it doesn't make sense to dispute Character genetics but still.
In Umineko hair colour makes no sense. Likely is merely used for visual purpose. Battler is red, George is blue, Jessica is yellow. They're a Power Trio who's Colour-Coded for our Convenience.

And Kyrie is likely given pale azure hair because often they are used for cold, rational characters (contrasting with red hair that are for passionate characters) subconsciously making more believable for the viewer (used to colour code) how she could plan on murdering people (Asumu or the Ep 7 Teaparty).
It's the hair colour. It's the colour of the culprit.
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