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Old 2013-01-09, 18:12   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Gensokyo
In the history of economy, there has been a few compagny that got so much monopole that it became dangerous, the first one that come in mind is the Standart Oil from there's one century.

In our current economy, having a society monopoling a whole sector is dangerous, thinking it's great, not dangerous, not a problem, or whatever is totally paradoxal.

Google isn't stranger to this, lack of concurence absolutely always ends up with no innovation and in the end it's the consommator who takes everything in the face.

Just think of Microsoft, if it wasn't for Firefox we would probably still use this browser of hell. Because there was no concurence microsoft for many years didn't make explorer evolve and the first consequence if people remember, was that using it was aweful both for real informaticians and normal people as well.
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