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Old 2010-05-08, 19:59   Link #86
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
This is becoming more of a genre debate rather than the actual games. Who cares if it's by purist definition of a roleplaying game or not? The games are officially classified as an RPG, debating it is pointless, complaining about it won't change the world.

On another note, if you really want to be really basic about it, all games are "roleplaying" you take control (the role) of said hero/heroine and you control him/her to go through the game's "story". Sure you didn't "create" the character but you're still taking up the role of that character when you play the game. When you play mega man, you're playing the role of a mechanical hero out to save the world from evil reploids. When you play resident evil you're taking up the role of Chris/Jill/Rebecca/Leon/Claire/etc to save the world from umbrella.
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