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Old 2011-05-04, 14:31   Link #3
Dr. Casey
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Tennessee
Age: 36
I think that Poppo might have changed, but far as I can tell only in positive ways. He seems more outgoing and confident than he was as a child (From what I can tell from flashbacks, he was Jintan's follower and relatively reserved). Poppo seems to be the only one from the group that's really matured in a healthy fashion.

I'm kind of curious about Poppo and the fact that he seems so undamaged. I always thought that all the living characters would contrast darkly with their childhood self in some way, that Menma would serve as the lone bastion of purity that anchors them all down. I guess I was wrong and that there's actually two out of the six that serve that role (Poppo and Menma), or maybe there's more to Poppo than meets the eye. I think the fact that he was hanging out at their secret base for some reason at the end of the first episode is relevant somehow. Maybe Poppo was secretly a bit sad about the group's break-up all these years, and continued visiting their secret base as his own way of clinging to the past, hoping all those years that another one of his friends would have that same desire to return to their secret base one day (Just like Jintan ended up doing at the climax of the first episode)? Or maybe he just thinks it's a nice secluded place to get drunk and look at porn, I dunno...

Anyway, I like Poppo a lot, will be curious to see where his character goes.
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