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Old 2012-01-25, 07:20   Link #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Petition: Ban Negative "Utopian" Views From Series/Episode Discussion

This sums it up nicely...
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
Just another bad Ano Natsu episode... 3/10....
Literally the only reason to post in a thread about a show you hate is for negative attention. Please stop. It's aggravating.
I would like to request for measures to be taken for any heavily polarizing philosophical, utopian, idealistic, etc views, rants, summaries, etc, to be removed from series discussion thread and moved into either their own thread (if a series has it's own forum) or moved to some other forum section where these views may be discussed independently and potentially on a more broad scare.

The petition explicitly targets the repetative "I hate everything about this show" type of posts that some people post every week, episode-by-episode, on series they aparently don't like at all (sometimes targetting the franchise itself). This petition does not target (friendly) debates, criticism, or discussion on the flaws of the show; but sees them as being shortcircuted and overwritten by the over the top rant posts and "hate"-posts.

Problems and Reasons:
  • These kinds of posts and patterns are of no interest to the majority of the people in the thread (going by the assumtion the threads are for the fans, and hence the majority should be the people who like the show) and hence can be considered off-topic. Since the people generally going to the series thread do not care for these kind of derogatory statements on the series they enjoy it's probably for the best the posts and discussion be moved into an environment where there might be people who actually both agree and disagree with it such as General Anime.

  • These kinds of posts heavily polarize discussion, and hence discussion even small insignificant flaws in a show turns balistic as people take camps or are forced into them by accusations and other issues that stem from overly negative statements of some posters.

  • A show is what it is, and it doesn't have to be what you want it to turn into. As a consummer we have the right to buy what we like to show our support, or ignore what we don't like to show our dislike of the product. Hence, nothing will come out of complaining about it and disecting it. If the people in question are doing this because of some responsiblity such as a blog, list they keep, or some other alternative reason then I believe most people would appretiate it if they kept it to their blog, rating list, etc and not cross-post it to the series thread for no good reason, spoiling otherwise inteligent and interesting discussion, debates and criticism on the merits and flaws of a show.

  • A lot of the time some of the over the top rants can be seen as a insult to the fanbase and hence the posts themselvs are nothing more then generic harassment of all the fans of the show in the thread. Common examples of this are posts that usually focus on: moe, the show's artstyle, production values, the demographic, the show genre and or target demographic, among many others. If people have a need to vent, then any thread other then the series/episode thread should be more appropriate.
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