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Old 2012-12-31, 06:53   Link #13
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
I hope this doesn't turn into a dissatisfying classic HAL 9000 premise: the machine decided the best course for humans to avoid killing themselves (or rather turn into vegetables) is to have a criminal influence, and Makashima is just said criminal influence empowered by the system (since supposedly the system decides on everyones life; presumably with everyone else's life into consideration). While poetic, that premise (or spin-offs on it) is also extremely boring and dull, both as a climax or ending.

Another equally stupid plot course of action is the system empowering the villain, for the sake of defeating itself, ie. the system decided that it was the cause of everyones problems and therefore it needs someone to defeat it, hence the villains role.
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