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Old 2012-06-19, 10:51   Link #1056
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: U.S.
No, usually DVR is not part of rating. After all, Rating is the number of households with TV who are watching at time and the survey sample size were took during the program with phone and other method. Delayed rating like that usually don't count.

If we use Neilson as standard procedures, DVRs and other recording are only included in and other data referring as "Sweep" which sends out a mailing survey questioning about viewership of recorded media during a 7 days period (1-week).

That being said, any data with DVR included will take time to collect and is not available on first-hand basis.

Besides, DVR data don't really matter, the whole point for ratings, shares, and the like were not used to see which program is more popular but use as a reference on how stations would charge their CM slots which is their primary means of revenue. So in essences rating was really a mean to estimate the potential viewership of CMs therefore delayed watch like DVR won't help because most people would skip commercials with DVRs.
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