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Old 2012-11-14, 12:25   Link #3226
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
I think California already is bucking for that "first" in this country.
They're broke, while Texas is not.
Texas seems to be doing quite well for itself.
I highly doubt it would become a 3rd world country.
Of course, I also view all this secession talk as saber-rattling to explain to Obama that he DOES NOT have a mandate (as if any President does), and he needs to behave himself.
Nonsense. California and Texas are not independent economies. Neither would be the size they are without the rest of the Union. There's no way to predict what kind of economy they would have if they went independent.

And the secession talk is equally nonsense. If people aren't happy with the results of a free and democratic election, they are welcome to head to one of the many countries were citizens are killed for having any opinion that isn't beaten into them....usually literally. Mandate? Yeah, when you barely keep your majority in the House, become even more of a minority in the Senate, and the President wins by a comfortable margin among all voters except old white people....yeah, it's a mandate.

I'm not saying these people shouldn't be taken seriously (somewhat), but it's incredibly sad to see how deep the poison has run among the conservative movement and politics in general. Quite frankly, I'm just as tired of hearing conservatives freak out about every communist or terrorist around the corner as I am about liberals overusing the terms "middle class" and "small business". If this was a drinking game, I'd need an artificial liver just to keep up.

Just look at that picture posted above. It's a cycle of irrational hatred that does nothing but undermine everything better people bled and died for.

What we really need right now, politically, is a huge push for fresh ideas. If the best we got is yet another clash over Friedman, Smith, Marx, and Rand....we're doomed. There's too much stagnation.
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