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Old 2008-04-13, 11:03   Link #69
The Last Frontier
Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by Nanaya View Post

Suzaku said it to Kallen in the festival that he does things the way he does them. Since he MET Euphemia and especially after the "confession" Suzaku does not stand by his words that much anymore. His actions and of course his words won't mesh well anymore.

The more you try to make those two things come together, the more you'll only get a mix of past+present+future that will literally MAKE NO SENSE.

And that is the mistake I was talking about. Suzaku is literally changing in front of us that's why you can't keep doing that with him.
It still remains to be seen whether Suzaku has truly changed that much. What I said referred to what I thought of Suzaku's char as of the end of S1 but in S2, he truly hasn't shown up much at all and his few appearances haven't been that significant.

Soon? Why soon? Suzaku is looking towards the future and the change that could occur several decades now.

Suzaku's methods are slow. They have the possibility of working, but it is slow.
A change that may also not work. Of course, there's also the no. of lifes lost while that idealised change is taking place.

He can't stop what is already in motion. He doesn't have enough power yet. YET.
I think this is the crux of the matter. Suzaku may never have enough power and he's already doing things that are against the very ideals he espoused. Even if you say that he wants to end the discrimination, starting up a new wave of discrimination in the newly conquered country seems to be going against his own beliefs again.

If Schneizel wins, the likelihood of the Empire's colonies becoming better treated is a great possibility. Of course, he won't dismantle the Empire. What idiot emperor does that? Better make every colonized country into an actual part of the empire than a mere colony.

Schneizel IS Lelouch x 2 - geass(?).
Um, there's no proof that Schneizel really is that nice of a person.
God is on the side with the biggest cannon.
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