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Old 2008-05-28, 00:45   Link #4
I much prefer the 2d
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Frontier
Age: 31
Rule #1 Religon has all its different takes on after life and frankly i think most of its just completly retarded. Thats all on that.

I Believe in ghost because when i was around 6 or 7 2 weeks after my Aunt Emma died i woke up around like 1:00 - 2:20? to go to the bathroom (had a small blader) then went into the kitchen to get my cat to go to sleep with me. I got my cat and got a weird feeling i was being watched and i saw a pitch white figure just standing in the hallway staring at me and it had like a hood covering the eyes but the rest looked like her Length, Height, etc. And well as a kid I was ignorant and like completly freaked out and dropped Scotty (My Cat) and ran into my room screaming like a lil girl and hid under my covers and well woke my Mom and said you probably just miss her alot that your imagining things. So I listened to her and blew it out of my mind then I asked my dad if he believed in ghost he said yea after his dad died when he was 7 he also went into the kitchen and saw his dad just standing their 2 weeks after he was buried (not died like i said). He told his brother Armondo and he said he saw him also a week after he was buried but didnt want to sound like a girl and didn't tell any one about it. So he told me that and i started to believe in ghost even more and freaked out even more. My mom now believes in ghost alot because we got like 3 to 4 ghost cats who we burried in are backyard who come onto the bed and lay down (we usually look down cause we feel pressure like laying on our legs and nothings there). Plus i also see the cats from my perefriel vision which in like taps and stuff they say you mostly see ghost and etc from your perefriel vision (i know typo forgot how to spell it) and when you go to look staright at it, it disappears some people just say like what your saying ah just like an illusion or my mind playing tricks on me. My house also has like 2 ghost that showed up for like 2 months then left havnt heard from them yet.

1. of the ghost when my dad comes home from the fire station he sits in his front chair watching T.V and stuff then he heard a little girl say "Hello" and he said whos their and she just said "Do you want to play Robert?" and he was curious if it was my sister and went in there to find her dead asleep and kinda got a weird feeling. He went to work when he came back 2 days later he heard it again same words and just stoped dead on this lasted for like about 2-3 weeks.

2. This was around a year ago. My sister i dont really believe her as much but still feel worth mentoning. She said she had a ghost guy that stood outside her door just kept doing deep sighs and like going to turn the handle on the door and just like shaking it (i did this a couple times to freak her out when she kept mentoning it) Then when i started to go up into her room in the front living room i heard a really long sigh that sounded like a man did it and i jumped and went into her room and told her and she was all like SEE I TOLD YOU. So she said why don't you spend the night in my room and i did nothing happened then next day it started happing even more so she tryed listing to like A Haunting people and burnt sage it just like "Pissed it off even more" and seemed like it got stronger or what ever and was like actually able to move stuff in her room and fully open the door. So she left it alone and just like tried to sleep threw it and 4 weeks after she started ignoring it one last thing happened when she was asleep it pulled the covers over her and she looked up and nothing was there thats the end of it.

3. More of what my expereiences are like when i was a kid and really at the moment right now. When i was like 10 playing with my transformers with my sister one of the scorpion ones like came over and pinched me on the ass with its claw when it was like on the other side of the room. 2 days after that i think 1 or 2 my mom heard noices in my room when i was asleep and all my toy cars where all layed out on the floor and moving and when she turned the light on they just dead stopped. Then when i hit 12 years old on the way driving to middle school i layed down cause i was still tired and kept seeing a skull with an arrow threw it on the top of the car and when my mom looked she couldn't see it but i still could that kept going on for like 1 or so years just stopped randomly.

4. Now presentish 2 years ago i woke up in the middle of the night looked over by my T.V in the area betweeen my desk and T.V cabnet thing i saw a pitch white figure that didnt look like my aunt just staring at me so i went under my sheets and went back to sleep and havn't seen it sense. Now currently the damn fuckin cats keep going on my desk and stepping on my key board and clicking my mouse at night cause i was up and see the light that turns on when you move your mouse turning on and off.

Well thats pretty much all of my experiences id tell you my aunts shit but you probably wouldn't believe me it sounds a bit to fake
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