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Old 2012-02-26, 15:03   Link #285
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Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
The consensus for the "unsatisfied party" with this episode is as follow: this episode -does not contribute to the main plot-, in a very dubious fashion to boot.
Not all scenes should, since you have your casual scenes and whatnot. However, we are talking about a -full- episode of a 11 episodes series. If you factor the context, there is no way everyone would be satisfied with this weird directing choice altogether.
The only "major" thing we learned in this episode is Karen's admiration for Suruga and... that's basically it. Which means that we could pretty well obliterate that episode from the series, and the continuity and plot wouldn't be hurt to the slightest, or at worst, just barely.
I've bolded a statement that I keep seeing, in one form or another, over and over again.

"It isn't adding to the plot." "Nothing happened." "The plot is not moving." "Pointless."

I don't understand this sentiment, it baffles me, strikes me as strange. How can one think this after really watching Bakemonogatari, and 8 episodes of Nisemonogatari?

The plot for these stories, the whole motivation behind everything is: Araragi being put in odd situations with various female cast members, and *specifically* the conversations that those situations generate. That is the whole point, aim, crux, focus, the very reason for existence of this series.

It's never been about what is happening, it is about the conversations and the interactions the characters are having. There's a scant framework of motivation to make somewhat plausible why they are having the conversation, the thing other shows would call plot. In this story, it's just there to facilitate the conversations.

The plot is the characters talking, I don't know if it can be put simpler.
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