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Old 2008-09-21, 06:59   Link #485
Awe of She
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Orlando
I think that we don't need to worrry so much about who's an 'S-class' mage so much in regards to Fairy Tail's Top 4. The Top 4 isn't going to change just because of Jubia and Gazille joining up or even because of Natsu. 'The Top 4' means just that - the top 4 mages in Fairy Tail. So one can still be an 'S-class' mage in Fairy Tail or any other guild but still not be among the top 4. Even Ezra falls asleep when Myst Gun comes in but Lexus either teleported in after Myst left or he didn't fall asleep to begin with. Even so, we still haven't seen 'Old Geezer' yet either.

Natsu's 'S-Class' standard most likely is Ezra - he probably won't consider himself truly 'S-class' unless he can beat her.

Generally, I'd imagine that the top four/five mages in any guild would be at least 'S-class'. Natsu beat not one, but two of them, Gray owning Jubia after a HARD fight, Elfman doing his Full Body Beast technique after so much 'persuasion', just shows that many in Fairy Tail have the potential to be S-class but like Mira hinted from before, everyone's got a dark past that holds them back somehow. Once that barrier's gone, they can rock the house.

I want to see Gray and Jubia team up together.... The potential for Gray making some HUGE ice weaponry thanks to Jubia's water is just....

And yes, Mashima loves to draw Lucy. I think he has a thing for full-bodied blondes.... He's got more chapter spreads and pin-ups of her more than anyone else. He likes Ezra too but drawing all the armor on her might be a hassle for him rather than Lucy's trendy outfits. Still, Ezra wins.
"Focus entirely on me, you ordinary soldier."
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