Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
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Old 2012-09-26, 10:06   Link #213
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Join Date: Oct 2006
I hope the anime does well, honestly, but I think it's gonna be a terribly hard sell. How do you even explain this thing? I've tried several times to get across why it's good, and I can barely get a plot summary out without making it sound like someone slipped Paul Krugman hallucinogenics and made him play Dragon Warrior.

"Well you see there's a Hero, and there's a Demon King, and the Hero goes to fight the Demon King, but instead it turns out she's actually an economist, and the Demon King hands him a raft of papers and graphs that proves that if he kills her it will actually cause human civilization to collapse..."
"Do these people have names?"
"That is their names. Hero and Demon King."
"Why do they not have names?"
"Because they're archetypes. By appealing to universally known figures you can shortcut the process of describing them. That's important because there's no narrative or description, the entire thing is just dialogue."
"It's just dialogue?"

And usually the conversation kind of dies out there.
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