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Old 2013-08-19, 09:39   Link #2749
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Rifles would not help Tigre.

In this world, most people can only fire at MOST 200 alsin, and that's with no accuracy. The average effective range is 150 alsin.

Rifles mean that everyone would fires the same distance, even Tigre. So that only leaves accuracy. And old-time bullets (those buckshot) were terribly inaccurate, because they were just spheres being fired from poorly shaped tubes. Think of a baseball being thrown with no spin.

IIRC, guns didn't get accurate until they were machine-shaped (for reliability) and they had the cylindrical bullet shape (also machine-shaped for reliability) they have now, because then they also learned to fire the bullets in a spiral so that they resist easily changing direction like the buckshot would.
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