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Old 2006-11-30, 23:57   Link #37
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
being not a total bad aple doesnt make him a virtuoso either. At the same time though, he is not masterminding subversive actions against others, nor is he without a personal sence of morality.

He choose as his current Nakama surely some that share ideals with his own. The Doctor is a great person to point out in this case, as he is first introduced handing out apples to random people. Sure we know that they held the possibility to kill those that ate them, however he had normal apples available as well, meaning that he wasent trying to kill anyone, but just to test people. This may not be a normal process of thought, but it is a rather logical one. You want to find those who are fated to something big, you go to where those sorts will likely gather (Jaya was a Pirate haven), and you go about finding those in all sorts of unorthodox methods. Remember also, his captain needed to find someone to make a name for himself off of.
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