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Old 2008-03-28, 11:21   Link #4
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Virginia Tech
  1. Yoshida Kazumi - Alright, you all knew it was coming. Kazumi, to me, is the character that makes this anime worth watching. She is sweet, kind, cute, and overall a completely normal girl. Her love for Yuji is pure, and she is just so completely selfless. If this series was renamed "The Devient World" with Kazumi emerging as the late heroine, it would be a complete work of art. Yuji should have chose her.
  2. Hecate - Maybe it's just Noto Mamiko or something, but Hecate by far has the most character development of anyone in the series, in my opinion. It's interesting to watch her. Like, she was quietly evil in season one, but this season, from the bird scene and the end of twenty four, it shows that there is more to her than meets the eye. She's still nowhere near Kazumi, but she gets into my favorites.
  3. Seeking Researcher - Honestly, there's too much good about him to pass him up. Namely, when he appears and is in action, the storyline moves with such a quick pace. Though he is impossible to time, since he never ends his phrases...

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