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Old 2011-08-27, 15:18   Link #13737
Join Date: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by zaeraal View Post
Why Nayuta concluded, that Dorm Manager is a level 0, when she didn't saw any AIM field?
Shouldn't she say "normal person" there?
Or does this mean level 0 without any powers developed (Saten, Shiage..) don't have any AIM field?
My Chinese version was saying something like "How can someone even weaker than a Level 0 defeat a Level 5?", basically...
Originally Posted by zaeraal View Post
Yeah but not all of them have powers to bend a spoon.
It goes from:
normal person < level 0 (nonexistent < passive < weak or hard to control powers < bending a spoon) < level 1...
The nonexistent case is when espers don't even know their ability nor are able to manifest it in any way.
(Note here: Level 0s would not be complaining that they don't have an ability if they had some.. btw to even bend a spoon you need an ability)

That's why I was not sure if Nayuta was really reffering to her as a normal person or that there are level 0 withou AIM at all.
But if you say that the Kanji is the same, then (considering the Japanese "means everything" synonyms) she probably just reffered to her as a normal person.
Basically, this.
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