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Old 2008-04-08, 21:15   Link #2062
'S' Class Fairy Tail
Join Date: Jun 2007
Claymores can at least get along in human society like Galatea did if they want to. Becoming human would only mean they get to die of old age but lose all that makes them really awesome as warriors. The thing that would be more interesting than a claymore becoming a human again for me is a claymore who is able to have children. Maybe they can, but we have seen nothing to indicate it. Helen's talk to Clare about Raki when she first met him seems to indicate that they cannot have children. For being invincible to old age most claymores seem to have a fairly short life span. AB's are the ones who really get to enjoy longevity... at least until they are killed...
Tests for my graphic novel -> <-
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