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Old 2006-08-04, 14:36   Link #57
Master of The Sword
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by airsBlue
here is the bounties that i imagined:

luffy between 230-200 miliion
Zoro: 180 mill
Robin: 178 mil
Sanji: 160 mil
Chopper: 140 mil
Frankry: 130 mil
Nami: 100 - 120
Usopp: the same as nami or a little less

anyway i doubt anyone of them will get bounty lower than 100 million and all of them will get bountis ( even though they are from East blue they survived grandline and all of them defeated very strong people, they have already passed the lower level of the east blue bounties).

luffy's bounty will not go more than 250 mil . he will reach 300 mil after he defeat bartholomew kuma ( from the Shichibukai )

Those bounties for Chopper, Nami and Ussop are way to high. At most they'll get up to 60 mill each. Luffy will no doubt get at least 300 million after this. He's done far to much to not warrant a Huge bounty on him. He has done something which has never happenned in the history of Enies Lobby. He declared war on the WG, he defeated Blueno and of course the Uber powerful Rob Lucci(beating him alone is enough to get someone a big bounty imo), beat well over a 1000 marines himself all because he wants to bust out 2 wanted criminals, who between them can resurrect the ancient weapons.
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