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Old 2013-01-01, 01:37   Link #1265
Warm Mist
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Subjugating animation to the perceived "necessity" of it by certain genres is a limited mindset. Animation, be it acting, action choreography, abstract or whatever, can and will shape the perception of any work. Kyoani's anime are not top sellers because of some unspoken magic, they're top sellers (partly) because they're leagues beyond most other productions in the technical department, and this carries over to how the viewers perceive characters and situations. If people over at Kyoani weren't so dedicated to character acting animation, their characters wouldn't feel half as real and charming as they do. I know I certainly wouldn't care for something like Hyouka if it was a throwaway production with barely any expression and two standard face poses for every character.
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