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Old 2013-03-14, 01:16   Link #1752
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Um...okay question?

I see all this hype about how it's ending but I'm calling bull. Why? Because 1.) Aniplex hasn't come out once to say it's actually ending. All I see is hype and no actual proof from another official source other than the words of someone else. WHERE are you people getting this information?

Why WHY would they end this series is the middle of an arc that REALLY isn't all that important? I mean...really.

First off, there is no news from Aniplex, or Anime News Network, and the current END DATE for it on the official Wikipedia page for A-1 Pictures has it listed as TBA. Also, there has been no feed on the official Magi twitter, listed by Anime News Network, that even SUGGESTS it's ending. If this is all coming from a 'magazine clipping', I'd throw around the idea that this is all a giant April fools hoax. I mean, people throw Pokemon hoaxes about the new Pokemon crap ALL the time. So again, I'm calling bull.

Also the 'magazine clipping' really does look like an actually Photoshopped image, it's REALLY not that hard. You wouldn't overlap images in an official magazine, can tell at the bottom, two pictures overlap. Take a picture of the actual magazine itself, then maybe I'll attempt to believe you.
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