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Old 2012-09-07, 22:04   Link #676
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Age: 28
Originally Posted by grey_moon View Post
In regards to how sexes handle life threatening situations I think it is a very difficult one to deal with. Rather I would just super generalise and lump everyone be it boy or girl as a hostage with their lives on the line. Everyone handles things in different ways, some people head into danger head on (front liners), others back these people (merch and crafters), whilst I guess others could still in the first town in denial.

Training helps so Kirito's kendo probably has given him a edge at the beginning, anyone who has had first aid responsibilities, military/police training would imho deal with adverse situations better then the average Joe.

_but_ also that can backfire as trained people tend to rely on backup and resources that their organisation gives, well unless they are some uber elite special forces type!
I know people differ in every situations, what I mean is, the majority. Just like you can say men like playing Football much more than women ( I think this one I can't be wrong, please...I can't be wrong...otherwise my whole life would've been a ). Of course many women enjoy it, but as there are more men into it, we could say men enjoy it more, but it doesn't really mean there will be a tiny number of women who enjoy it.
Anyway, back to the episode discussion, I laughed when Klein spoke with Kirito at the end. " Just consider hardship as a part of training and keep working hard, kiddo. " And his face while he said that...Priceless!!! I hope I wasn't the only
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