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Old 2012-09-20, 09:44   Link #2864
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
My last 10 matches: (from most distant to most recent) (normal draft, still shoring up what I feel confident enough to use on ranked)

Miss Fortune - 10-3-8, win. Paired with Amumu bot. Made quick work of Graves/Soraka combo. In team fights enemy Xin Zhao got me but Amumu ended up getting fed too and a surrender came out a bit after 20.

Miss Fortune - 13-1-10, win. Paired up with another Amumu. This time beat the heck out of a Caitlyn and Blitzcrank. Only death came from Rengar finally reaching me and going all out about 1 minute before I got my GA. Next push I just unleashed hell in reply.

Sona - 4-4-10, loss. Well...Ezreal was d/c for over 1/3 of the match. Nothing I could do about this one. I did grind it out so I didn't lower my own colours, but that damn Ez...him missing about 8 levels let the enemy MF just freefarm with Alistair chaperoning her.

Gragas - 4-0-0, win. This one was weird. I versed Diana in mid and took Gragas as a counter. Our first couple of dices, I nearly got her then she nearly got me. After that, I just kept guessing movements right with barrels and just bruted my way through mid then picked up a double kill down bot. Diana then rage quitted, then no one wanted to fight me...ended up having to content myself pushing mid while everyone else went top to force a surrender.

Leave...I don't get why this is on my match history. I lexited the game when I left a selection with 30 seconds left before the match starting. Team was picking no adc like idiots so I wanted out. Something must have lagged...

Riven - 7-1-16, win. This match was intense. In the one second first blood occured, 4 deaths across the map happened and 11 kills in the first 4 minutes. Versed Rumble top. He was a bit of a goose early and kept on calling for Rengar to come help him top. My one death was early when they caught me a cooldown short of escaping. Had to stock up on health and MR since Rumble gradually got annoying. But his gank skills were terrible - never seen a clown waste his ulti on just 1 person over and over during a team fight. During team fights, my tanky build just allowed me to sweep in, CC, ulti, dash out, rinse and repeat, win. Enemy Orianna was an utter goose - wasting Dissonance over and over whenever they got sight of our Anivia.

Shyvana - 8-6-15, win. Was initially contemplating taking Gangplank but the other team did. Kassadin was getting harassed by Talon hard so had to spend a lot of time bailing him out and making sure they'd get blue the moment it popped. Plank also drifted down to bot lane so I had to spend even more time down there and had to apologise to Singed for not being able to give him any ganks. He gutsed in out versus Xin Zhao and eventually did a great push of top lane and was very useful in teamfights. I'd take the fall a fair bit mid game to get a lot of 3 or 4 to 1 kills for our team. 0-7 Draven on the other team ragequitted and triggered a surrender.

Riven - 12-3-10, loss. This game made me quite mad. Not that many people on our side wanted to go tanky, so I was forced to go Riven at first pick since they wanted me top...I knew this would be a mistake. And it was...other side took Teemo. It didn't go well for me early...even swapping my levelling focus to the shield didn't negate Teemo's poison enough to stop him farming. I only gave him 1 kill while laning but the real problem was I didn't get a single bit of help from anyone...I gave mid and bot 5 ganks during laning phase, but no one bothered to come help stop Teemo farming like mad. When people eventually bothered, it was far too late. Worse, bot lane super fed Caitlyn. Mid-game was where it got weird. Taking Hexblade, Mallet and GA left the other team unable to kill me and I ended up getting a legendary streak. The only problem was our 'supposed' damage dealers sucked and the fed Teemo could swoop in, nuke for 3 seconds, kill 1-2 people and jet out. I was effectively the only one prolonging the match since Ahri and Varus were just terrible at damage. Why our mid picked Ahri after the other side picked Heimerdinger...ugh...I could make quick work of Heimer, Lux and Shyvana. Caitlyn was harder but I turned her bloated score into a 1:1 kill to death ratio by the end which made them really mad. But Teemo was too powerful. Full item set and 13-2-8 and no one on my team willing to go after him at any point of the game. So ticked off at who I was teamed with. I helped them when they were pushed, saved their hides so many times, yet when I pleaded for someone to stop Teemo, they didn't listen, then they started crying when Teemo blitzed them.

Shyvana - 6-4-2, loss. Ergh, this game...Vayne and Leona argued all match and were terrible bot. Olaf top was kamikaze. People refused to go after Sivir or Syndra and would go for freaking Udyr...I did what I could but idiots ruined it.

Miss Fortune - 6-4-11, win. Not as good as I normally am on MF but the usual result. However, I messed up the start and gave away first blood since I didn't realise Nunu was so...passive...didnt seem to like snowballing and would only Blood Boil...eventually some hyper kamikaze jungling Olaf came after Lee Sin forced a second death on me and went nuts, allowing me to get going like I usually do. This guy would dive anything and everything. Yet...he got results. There was a really weird stretch from about 10-20 minutes where I stayed out there with Berserker Greaves and 2 Doran Blades since there was non-stop ganking in the enemy's bottom jungle - which I kept living through. Once this madness finally ended and Jayce and I ended up getting fed, I had 4.4k unspent and took Infinity Edge. I ended up spearheading the demolishing to two lanes while Olaf dived like an utter maniac over and over. Draven, who had a fast start, ended up on only 80 cs while only their Lee Sin was putting up fair resistance. Moused over that insane Olaf after the match. Wins - 3083....How long has this guy been playing...Amusingly, his match history is full of 15-20 and 18-25 like scores. He went 14-10 this time. Sounds like he has no restraint whatsoever since that's the nature of his score no matter what he plays. Probably explains why he doesn't play ranked. But it was amusing to be part of.
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