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Old 2013-03-28, 08:43   Link #964
Ass connoisseur
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Florida
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Okay, if you agree they got shafted, and you want to take NanoFate and Fate scenes off the table... what would you cut to add enough to them to develop them? I've already said what I would cut (one or two of the NanoFate scenes, and at least half the lotus eater to do my Chrono dream idea). Or would you lengthen the movie by 10 mins or so to add enough scenes to develop Lindy and Chrono? And what would you do with the characters with the screentime you allot for yourself?

On further thinking, I'd probably add a scene at the end, removing the Leti/Lindy talk, in favor of a more silent scene of Lindy and Chrono kneeling before Clyde's grave, eyes closed with incense burning. Fate and Arf can be standing in the background, observing. And perhaps a few tears leak out of CHrono's eyes, while Lindy looks up and gestures Fate and Arf over, who gingerly and hesitantly kneel down, bow their heads, and clasp their hands together.

Now, how does that sound to everyone?
It's really not even that. I feel Fate got her time majorly cut in the battle department, this was what enabled her to keep her dream scene, and her short talk with Lindy. And I feel that her dream is the reason people think she's a screen time hog, yet they very clearly overlook what was cut from her screen time to make room for it. Do you think all of time Nanoha had in flight and fight did not amount to what Fate had in character exposition?

As for what to remove, I honestly don't know. Maybe remove a tiny bit from every main, except Hayate. That could possibly be enough. I don't even know how you can remove the NanoFate reunion scene because they need to meet some way. The series version would take considerably longer to do. I'd cut the transformation scenes by half. That's two minutes there. You could cut Fate going to school I guess...I really don't feel NanoFate had significant time together. Just enough to please the fans, not enough to be considered over-abundant.

You know what? I challenge this assumption. That somehow, if you remove a few scenes from this movie of Fate or NanoFate, that somehow the franchise will fail. I hate to say this, but that is a bit of the ego talking. Those fans are fanatics, and will lap up anything. That's why, as a writer, you can toss little bits out here and there, but you don't cater to them exclusively, because they'll continue to buy no matter what. Instead, if you want your franchise to grow, you focus on the plot and all the characters. That way, new people watch and go: "Hmm, yeah, he/she did a good job with this movie. I could really relate to all the characters affected by the plot" and then become fans as they seek out your other works.

What will kill the franchise? Pandering to fanatics in case where it is detrimental to the story. People will leave because of that, leaving you *only* your fanatics, which are always a much smaller subset of your fanbase.

Any franchise that lasts this long is inevitably going to turn into a fanbase of fanatics. All of the major characters had a sizable portion of screentime. You're insinuating that it would be best to remove some of the fan favorite scenes from the movie to make way for the development of two minor characters. A critic would say this is beneficial to the flow of the story, but it's not a good marketing scheme. Interesting fact, they made more money off the merchandise they were selling at the theater, then the money they made from selling the tickets. To add on to that, they had a benefits program going that if you watched the movie two times you get a colored paper of either Nanoha/Fate/Hayate (your choice) and if you watch it three times, you get a filmstrip. Some of the more popular filmstrips have went for over a thousand dollars. The most expensive one went for a whopping 5,000. Point being? Not everyone who went to see the movie is a fanatic, but how much money do you think Tsuzuki profits off of them? They're the ones purchasing the merchandise, they're the ones watching the movie dozens upon dozens of times.

And to note, these are the five favorite scenes of the movie, based on a poll taken at the movies:

Cookie if you can figure them all out based on a single image.

Last edited by Demi.; 2013-03-28 at 09:23.
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