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Old 2009-03-30, 21:24   Link #728
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
If you like/support abortion it just means that you're supporting those who are careless. I can sort of understand rape, but people being careless is just stupid.
People now (maybe they always were like this but i dont care) don't see childbirth as the wonderful thing it is anymore. Nobody seems to care about the amazing process of life being created; all they care about is having less people on the planet so there's more room for them to make dumb mistakes.

I know this thread has been going on too long but seriously it's kinda sickening to constantly hear people rave about how lives (well the process) ought to be destroyed so that irresponsible people can feel comfortable.

Last edited by White Manju Bun; 2009-03-30 at 21:53.
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