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Old 2008-05-18, 01:32   Link #212
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Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by ani_d View Post
I don't know if you were one of the people (most likely not) who saw one of my earliest post complaining about Ranka being sucked into outerspace (ALMOST right at the vacuum) in episode 2 and was still fine. Ranka was quarter Zentradi so I bought it, but Alto was just wearing a normal ex gear which I've no idea how much it can protect him. I do not know what happened there, so maybe someone can explain how the two managed to pull that off. Blood samples were taken from them afterwards probably because of that.

Did I ever say, "every Valkyrie should be severely radioactive or at least radioactive enough to be a threat to human health"? I said a raw material like a civillian earring which wasn't even tested for a potential radioactivity and wasn't customly made to withstand outerspace radiation (like what they do in surfaces of space shuttles etc) can become radioactive. Alto's EX GEAR has high chances of being radioactive but since he's not wearing a NASA spacesuit and he lives in 2059, that suit probably can protect his body enough to withstand radiation. I'd say a space suit from 2059 can pull that off. Should he miraculously saved the earring and placed it in his nonexistent pocket, maybe they'll have a way to decontaminate it or maybe they won't. The possibilities are there.

All this radiation stuff is making my head spin lol x___x I'm not an astronaut. The point still stands that there's a very low chance that Alto could have saved the earring aside from the fact that it's radioactive.

Also, is Luca's life that worthless that saving him in exchange for a VF-25 is a bad thing to do? That is just wrong. I'm completely on Alto's side.
That earring's either rock and metal, or glass and metal... or maybe even plastic and metal - it would take either an intense exposure or very long-term exposure to even irradiate it enough to be radioactive by itself... and I doubt it's made of anything that would be a threat to life or limb. For the record, shielding against radiation is NOT on the outer layer of a spacecraft - it's good for deflecting radiation, but the outside's the wrong place to put it - it'd get chipped away by impacts with debris or else fried off the hull by re-entry with the shuttle. Most shielding materials are on the inside layers of the craft, where they're needed.

The outside of most spacecraft is composed of either either metal, ceramic, or a combination of both along with plastics. The Space Shuttle uses carbon-fiber panels as well as ceramics, neither of which are 'made to withstand outer space radiation' - they're made to withstand heat, and that's it. Shielding on spacecraft is restricted primarily to the crew compartment or any area with sensitive electronics. Basically, anything that would've made that earring instantly radioactive would've made Alto's suit radioactive enough to be either a threat to HIM or else to anyone around him... which means that he can't go inside the Macross Quarter, or any Valkyrie, and taking off his suit would expose him to dangerous radioactivity once he's outside the suit.

Luca's life is worth something... but Alto's trashing a Valkyrie on every mission. If he keeps this up, he won't be a pilot for SMS very long - since that means he'd cost SMS a few million every time he pranged up a plane, which he would do every time he went out. Once when he's a civilian is understandable - twice, when he's a new guy's understandable too. But the third time, hard questions will be asked of him... since SMS can't afford to keep buying new Valkyries every time Alto goes out on a mission, or the manufacturer will decide to give the contract to someone else to test out these things, since SMS can't be trusted to NOT trash their planes.

As for the blood samples, I think they were testing Alto and Ranka since they were the only two who'd directly encountered a Vajra outside of a VF and survived the incident. Afterwards, we don't see the NUNS being too worried about biological contamination, at least to judge by how neither Alto or Ranka were locked up in an isolation chamber after the fact. The question is not 'was the earring too radioactive to recover', but more 'did Alto have the sense to stash it in his EX-Gear before things got bad enough that he had to eject'.
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