Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2013-06-02, 04:42   Link #2953
Kamen Rider Muppeteer
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Unknown
Age: 39
I don't know if people recall those three stooges from Heaven's Arena arc who were meant to introduce the concept of Nen to the viewer. Wing mentioned that normally, people without Nen who reached the 200 floor would either end up killed or heavily mutilated. Those who survived gained the ability to use Nen as a result, called a "baptism".

This is pretty much the exact same thing. So this is the logical result of our heroes failing to kill a chimera ant.

Oh, and those wondering why that weird glittery eyed spider didn't gain Nen, he was never actually hit by Pokkle.
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