Thread: Licensed Koi Kaze
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Old 2004-05-21, 01:24   Link #97
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Originally Posted by Grifis
There's no actual sexual relationship here nor anything beyond brother/sister relationship for that matter. The younger sister may experience pure forbidden love on her part. The older brother, being adult, passed the point of pure forbidden love and started thinking of her in a sexual way. The act is forbidden but that doesn't make it incest.
Your first sentence is contradicted by the 3rd. The brother's masturbation IS sexual and goes well beyond a brother/sister relationship. Whether or not that makes it incest, I say it does. In the same way, you thinking about kicking me has made your post violent.

Originally Posted by Grifis
Besides you can't put an equal sign between what one thinks about doing with actually doing it. It's a big difference between thinking about kicking you and actually kicking you.
I wasn't equating the two. Thinking about sex with your sister is not sex with your sister, however, sex with your sister would be incest; therefore thinking about sex with your sister is thinking about incest. What I am saying is that he has incest on his mind, therefore part of the show is about incest.

That quote is about violence, even though no physical violence occurs. It is still violence.

Originally Posted by Grifis
If you have two people and they both like each other but when they see each other they act as friends, you can't say that they have a romantic relationship (eventhough in truth they both like each other). You can only say that they're only friends. In this case, brother/sister.
You got me with this one. I think I can agree with that. In Koi Kaze, I will relent that they do not have an incestuous relationship. However, I still say the show is partially about incest.
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