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Old 2013-03-20, 14:27   Link #144
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Thanks. The characters were built using Rock Band 3's character generation tool (since I suck at drawing ). I've also taken a few shots at creating them using Skyrim's character generation tool with mixed results.

I find staring at the videos gives me story ideas sometimes and gets me into the heads of the characters better when writing their dialog.

The story is more of a complicated romance between members of the group and their daily lives/adventures. They could just as easily be engineers, astronauts, or whatever. Being musicians means they have to travel, they're creative people, being bizarre or odd is not necessarily evil.

It all started from a thread where I expressed being annoyed at K-On! at not following the group into college and a professional career (either the anime or manga). I already had these characters designed - they are basically characters I've used in RPGs, MMOs and such for years (personalities, looks, etc). I just finally found a story for them to live in.

On that note, I'm running late on the upcoming chapter. Still doesn't hang together very well. This seems to be typical for me when I start into an altered landscape (new character, new environment incoming, etc). Maybe more whiskey will help

Last edited by Vexx; 2013-04-23 at 01:28.
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