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Old 2009-08-09, 03:55   Link #304
Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Where the line is from escapes me, but Itsuki says in one story that he only acts gay because Haruhi expects it of him.

I'm more inclined to think he's just doing it to mess with the incredibly and obviously homophobic Kyon, though.
I can't quite recall where that's from myself, but it doesn't seem unlikely. However, even when Haruhi isn't present and he and Kyon are quite alone he retains his teasingly affectionate attitude. I'm certain his cheery demeanour is a facade, but I doubt his actions towards Kyon are the same. There are also numerous moments in the anime which show Itsuki clearly looking at Kyon in a fashion not befitting of a heterosexual male. Such as the scene on in Lone Island Syndrome where he is quietly staring at Kyon's neck with a rather complicated expression on his face. Plus, this series has many harem aspects, and it's my view that EVERY SOS member has, or will have a romantic interest in him. Including Slider-tan.

Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Haruhi-chan isn't canon. All of the jokes and concepts it uses is stuff fans have come up with over the years. It's not even written by Tanigawa, though he found it funny.
I consider it to be a very intelligent use of an alternate device to give the fans hints of varying sizes about things they have long pondered. Obviously the events in Haruhi-chan are comical, but most if not all are simply exaggerations of the existing canon.
Not being written directly by Tanigawa isn't especially relevant, since you can be sure that the staff have been briefed on facts not yet fully revealed in the novels. Such as a characters true feelings, motivations, personality, intentions, etc. In order to better equip them to do a complete and convincing adaptation.

Of course, it could simply be KyoAni taking liberties, but I don't think this is the case at all. Since it aligns far too closely with core aspects of the series being given the same treatment. Such as Haruhi's hilarious reaction to Kyon's "confession":
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