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Old 2007-06-12, 08:20   Link #324
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Well, I knew about mp3lib breaking the compile before. What I'm saying is that the latest source I downloaded from svn compiles even if I leave mp3lib enabled, and according to terminal it's using mp3lib on files with mp3 audio (tested it out on a few different files since I was kind of surprised).

The D.gray-man thing is the exception though, it's the only thing I tested that gives errors. That's been a problem since the beginning though with all the different audio decoders I've tried. As far as mp3 w/ h.264 goes I thought that was wierd too, but what are you going to do when it's free, heh. VLC plays it fine though, but according to the stream information in VLC the audio is MPGA (but I think that's just a fancy way of saying mp3?). I might pop into their channel one of these days an ask about it I guess.
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