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Old 2009-05-18, 00:06   Link #20
Good-Natured Asshole.
Join Date: May 2007
Age: 34
[EDIT]: I'll use Irenicus's words on the post behind me: I'm armchairing. Don't think that I have experience. I'm just offering ideas and none of them are guaranteed to work.

Well...there are several ways in.

The first one is to focus on the parents and have them realize that your little brother is deep trouble waiting to happen, and buying him game accessories to cut his crap in the short run calls for disaster in the long run. If they look so hopeless right now they've probably tried and gave up for a little. Feel free to start tough and ask bluntly whether they care about his future, and depending on their answer you can figure out what angle to attack that problem with.

If they dodge the issue, keep asking. If they sit down and explain themselves to you, then you know they just want some help from you. If they tell you off, that means they gave up at some point and need some hard motivation. I'll have to think a little bit about what happens after that, I'll get back to you.

The second way is to focus on your brother instead. In terms of practical solutions, if he likes plinking terrorists so much, try introducing him to airsoft. I'm serious. Offer to take him and his real-life friends, however little there are, to an airsoft field nearby. Find a good one. Pay for his rental gear and admission fee, don't give him any excuse to back off. If you can get the kid into it, airsoft has the following good points:

- It's fun. The thing about airsoft is if you really love guns and fighting in video games, standing in the field holding realistic-looking weapons with friends around you makes you act up.

- It gets the kid off the computer.

- If you play outdoors frequently, you get really fit. You're wearing 5-10 pounds of equipment on terrain.

And maybe you'll like it too. It's an awesome sport. I hope to play with my friends a bit this summer, because one of them lives near this big creek with lots of trees and foliage. The first time I played, I learned that camouflage actually matters. Oh, and the guns weigh like a bitch.

Last edited by Claies; 2009-05-18 at 01:11.
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