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Old 2012-10-12, 15:42   Link #1296
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
While I wouldn't say he was a jackass, I think there was a bit too much "Get-Off-My-Lawn" syndrome. Biden was clearly, at times, treating Ryan and his ideas as childish and was often seemingly scolding Ryan for his perceived childishness. Whether you think Ryan's ideas are childish are not is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is Biden shouldn't have treated Ryan so dismissively. And sadly, even hen you break down the point by point analysis and see that Biden was clearly ahead in most instances (just in terms of general facts and rhetorical ability), it will be his dismissive nature that will be equally remembered.
Sorry but I have to disagree. I found myself laughing right along with Biden at the ridiculousness of the whole thing. Ryan has always been put up as the "brainy" Republican, and while he can certainly rattle off numbers his responses often bordered on naive if not stupidly reckless. I'm not trying to sell the guy too short, but it was painfully clear that he is nowhere near ready to have the responsibility he is running for.

Biden did exactly what Obama needed to do (and should have been doing for the last four years), which was to say strongly, "THIS STUFF IS BULLS***". Or malarkey, since Biden's Irish was showing quite a bit. Sorry but I don't find the things he did dismissive at all. He played equal parts debater and the voter watching at home perfectly. Frankly I'm amazed he wasn't more animated, especially when Ryan completely dodged questions, refused to offer any specifics, and repeated lines over and over again even when they have been proven time and again to be lies.

I'm sure Biden could have contained himself better, but I'm baffled at the criticism. Debates are like this. Romney dominated time, interrupted and spoke out of turn, essentially told the moderator he'd fire him if he was elected, flipped on multiple issues and lied his ass off to the American people, and yet he "won" the debate because by golly, he looked so statesman. I saw people defending Obama's performance as "Presidential", which is a joke as well. I won't deny that body language matters, but people need to not be so hung up on the superficial and listen to what these people say.

A lot of these commentaries I've been reading about last night focus far too little on the substance of the discussion and far more on the presentation. Huffington has an article about how much water Ryan drank. Really, water?! Who the heck cares?
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