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Old 2006-12-05, 16:05   Link #24
Join Date: Jan 2006
It wouldn't be too farfetched for this series if Zero just showed up at the JFL's base and Geass'ed the right people to leave the Crimson Lotus ripe for the taking.

As for the battle, I find the most likely outcome to be that the Lancelot won't be deployed in episode 10. Sunrise won't allow Suzaku to be defeated this early (or at all) in the series, and it'd be extremely anticlimactic for the Crimson Lotus to be defeated by the Lancelot in its very first battle.

On second thought, in the event that the Lancelot is defeated at some point, all that does is give Sunrise the excuse to make a Lancelot v2.0... (I'm looking at YOU, Strike Freedom...)
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