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Old 2011-06-28, 16:13   Link #24
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by creb View Post
No, it literally stops. There is sand in the top still. In the last episode, Okarin notices it and you can see his eyes widen as he is wondering wth is going on, but his thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of Moeka's gang of men. But, more telling, even before he leaves to go up on the roof, they give you a shot of the hourglass...and the sand has stopped flowing. Whatever caused that to happen started well before the goons entered. The question is...what? And they very pointedly gave us a shot of the very same hourglass this episode with the sand flowing normally.
Then I have no clue either. I can't think of anything that would stop only the hourglass and Mayuri's watch (everything else seemed to work just fine).

I forgot to ask: how the hell did Okabe manage to escape SERN the second time? Moeka states he's been captured, then he starts running and he's back at the lab. Did he just... outrun them on foot?
It kind of seem like a chunk of the episode was missing.
Rize and Kaneki
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