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Old 2013-05-31, 18:57   Link #7373
Rising Dragon
Goat Herder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Age: 36
That's cause there wasn't any transition and back then there was a lot more to consider about the show--now, we're in a rerun, and we notice different things because we already know how things play out. In one scene focus she got, she was an airhead. The next, she was all doting nurse, but still an airhead ("don't you wish we could stay like this FOREVER" "bitch you're high"), then next we saw her, she's all GUERRILLA PEACE SPOKESMAN PRINCESS and taking over ships and shit.

We don't see her initial reaction to having to go into hiding, whatever her reaction was to Zala's descent into madness... all we got is her being herded out of a room from a radio, and also her quite stupidly and dangerously waiting on Athrun in a bombed out building wearing the one kind of outfit someone in her situation really shouldn't bloody be wearing. All we needed was a few scenes to change that, and her change in personality would've looked better. We could've seen her grow into the position. Instead we got what came off to many as a blatant and jarring personality change.
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