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Old 2008-10-18, 22:38   Link #30
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Age: 39
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Assuming she was still the head of state of her country, even though just a figurehead, Marina could be the public-figure representing all the nations who are being blackmailed by the Federation.

It's easier to feel sympathy to a group when a face is attached to it. And I know it's rude to say it, but Marina is a master at making people feel sorry for her. It would be a Herculean task for the Federation to try and demonize someone so harmless and weak as "evil terrorists".

There is two fronts to this new conflict; you have the ground battles, but there is also the PR front. The people in the Federation need to wake up and realize their own government has gone crazy, and that would need more than just Gundams to accomplish.
Not that I disagree, but even if the people know the extent of what the Federation has been up to, there is really not much to be done if the Federation continues to have the monopoly of the GN drives as well as the solar energy system. Kataron is attempting to do something about it but from what little we have seen, it does not seem like they are making much headway.

Public sympathy may go a long way, but if Kataron's assessment of the Federation dictatorship is on the mark I wonder how far that would go.
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