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Old 2009-06-30, 02:50   Link #11
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Nami from the start is selfish. She wanted everyone to stop what they were doing to deal with her minor life issues. She thought she should be more popular because she was more attractive than Aklha. Her obsession about Akiha mental state drove her action she wanted Akiha to suffer for existing and blocking everyone from seeing her greatness. In here mind the more Akiha was hurt the better she felt about herself. The fact that Akiha was not competing in the game drove her to be more cruel. every time they would meet she was astonished that Akiha was oblivious to their Rivalry. In real life Distance seems to be the one sure way of healing this type of sisterly dysfunction.

Now is she Wrong in her feeling about the situations? Well yeah because of chance of birth order Akiha is the one everyone protects and pays attention to. She is important to the human race yet she really has not skills or drive to improve her superduper important skill. She just needs to be in the right spot at the right time and her genes will do the rest. I think that's kind of the joke of the whole show. Destiny will overcome all and being inwardly and outwardly very cute.
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