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Old 2009-09-30, 01:03   Link #2195
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 32
Originally Posted by monstert View Post
The simplest example of rejection is someone offer you something and you don't take it. So yes, you certainly can reject something you never accepted in the first place.

There is another example. You go to a restaurant that you've always gone to everyday since you can remember. And since you've always gone there and ordered the same thing, you never had to look at the menu to be able to choose another food (or maybe they don't even have the menu, or it's an out-of-the-menu/secret food, etc.). This is probably the type of "rejection" that most people would have a problem with. Since the alternative is never directly presented to them, they would automatically pick whatever they've known their entire lives. In doing so, they indirectly reject the alternative.
If that is how you want to put it, okay, I reject the Judeo-Christian God. I also reject every god listed here, as do you, with the exception of one.

And I dunno about my life's philosophy being like a restaurant menu. I mean, that seems kinda arbitrary. And give me a reason to choose something else off the menu. Because this is the foundation of my worldview that we're talking about here, not a restaurant dish, so you'd better have something convincing. Couldn't you say the same about yourself? Are you not too rejecting everything else on the menu except your usual?

I suppose I don't like being told that I "reject" God because to me God was never a default. I don't believe God exists, and I can't reject something that (from my perspective) doesn't exist.
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