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Old 2012-02-14, 02:50   Link #67
Kamen Rider Muppeteer
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Unknown
Age: 39
Hm... The thing about parrots, is that they are animals. They don't understand human speech, they just mimic what they hear. If they mimic something enough, it would become somewhat of a verbal tic or habit. Habits aren't stored in the same way that past recollections are, so it's very possible that the parrot's incoherent babbling is unaffected by memory alterations.

I also believe that when the guy said "the number of seats was spot on" means there was already an extra seat reserved for Sakakibara, but when he arrived they were one seat short regardless of that. So I don't think the "another" is somebody outside of the class. It cannot be Ritsuko, since her name still appears in the records of the class that many (27?) years ago. Same goes for Reiko, btw, because everyone's memories place her in the class of 15 years ago. This episode has just established that the extra student disappears off the records of their old class for the duration of the year.

I think the key to figuring this thing out is if anybody were to actively notice and remember the tiny inconsistencies. Not the memories themselves, but what is said -about- the memories. For example, someone saying that "A happened", and someone would say "No it didn't, it was more like B", and then the first person would be like, "You're right, B happened, where the hell did I get the idea that A happened?", if someone were to pick up on that stuff, maybe they could follow the clues to their conclusion.
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