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Old 2006-11-01, 18:49   Link #53
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Originally Posted by Aidan View Post
You know, I can't believe you are comparing what the police does, to what a murderer such as Light does. Even if the system is broken, the police is not above the law, they don't just go out and start executing criminals. (well some do, until they get caught and put in jail themselves) Light thinks he is above the law, his judgment is right and he can kill anybody he sees fit to die. I really wonder what would happen if someone would have taken the death note away from Light and given him a gun, would he still do the things he did with the death note.
Actually, I am not saying police will go out and executing. Police (following the law) are just going to catch those criminals, and the penatly things will judge by the court or some people (Human being) same as Yagami Raito.

Law - Criminal Rate Drop - a ideal world

How? Put them in Jail, No Freedom, or sometimes Death penalty

Originally Posted by Aidan View Post
If killing people for committing even the smallest crimes was such a good idea every crime would be punishable by death. But only in the most rare and extreme cases are people put to death. You see it doesn't matter if every crime would have a death penalty, people would still commit them. People are still driven to break laws by society. This is the very core of the problem and why laws and the judgment system is so broken. Laws and the judgment system only deal with the symptoms of a problem instead of the root of the problem. The symptoms being crime, the root being a whole bunch of things which range from poverty to greed. If every crime carried a death penalty, crime wouldn't disappear, criminals would just become more desperate before committing a crime and more determined to not get caught. Crimes would become more deadly and more innocent people would get hurt. Not a very effective way to make an ideal world.
That is what the law today is like, but not everyone in the world are satisfied with it. Just like there are people who think the law in "kira world" is bad.
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