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Old 2010-05-09, 15:48   Link #9829
Mystery buff
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Gone Fishin!
Well we do get a bit of explanation on that in episode 1 and 2. If I remember right Kinzo's entire family probably wasn't killed because even though he did become the head it was said that the main branch treated him like a puppet. Kinzo didn't even get to chose the person he was supposed to marry everything was arranged and prepared for him. He was really just a figurehead that worked for the family. That said I'm sure SOME of his family might have died in the Kanto earthquake, but definitely not all of them. And really the main point about the Kanto earthquake in Umineko was that the damages ruined the Ushiromiya family business leaving Kinzo to be chosen to revive it because the main family couldn't decide who among them should be the heir. All of their resources and assets were lost in the disaster. Kinzo definitely did survive that earthquake, but there is actually nothing saying that his family all died in the earthquake like with the Rokken isle explosion accident.
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