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Old 2012-05-07, 15:33   Link #848
Sonic!I AM SONIC!!!!!
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Hot Non-Winter Place
Age: 34
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You know, when the Blustia Cannon came, the capacitor screen suggested that it was already charged to a certain level. I wonder though, where did the rest of the energy came from? Did it come from the AGE-3? Because that seems quite likely the case, in contrast to say the "charge sequence" being for the purpose of releasing energy from the Blustia's storage capacitor into a "primary about to be released" capacitor in the Blustia or whatever.

Which brings me back to the currently perceived way for beam weapons for EFMS to work. Episode 3 decades ago seems to suggest/show that they ran on a capacitor system that can't be recharged by the suit itself (not necessarily definitive but heavily suggests so anyways). Is it possible that Episode 30 would suggest that the AGE-3's powerplants have become powerful enough to charge beam weapon's capacitor directly?

I know AGE hardly plays the limited ammo factor into its scenes or storyline; hell it only did it once. Considering the large amount of time passed, its likely that it might pass the problem (maybe even long prior to Gen 3; especially given how its HARDLY a problem) but I guess to me this might be the first actual sign/evidence we've seen in series that it's powerful enough, especially to charge such a large amount of beam energy in such a relatively short time. Maybe its more like in 00 now where the powerplant directly charges the capacitors/or directly linked with the weapons.
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